The Privacy Roadmap™ in Brief
The Privacy Roadmap™ is an action plan for how to get from where you are now to where you want to go. The Privacy Roadmap™ is not a compliance assessment or a needs assessment, it is a plan that is:

- Aligned with your business objectives. Most privacy advisors start with privacy laws and end with recommendations that don’t actually work for your business. We start with your business to determine which privacy requirements are most important.
- Focused. The Privacy Roadmap™ identifies 10-15 things you need to do first, not an exhaustive list of requirements.
- Prioritized. We indicate which action items are critical, high, medium, or low priority and explain why.
- Action-oriented. The action items are presented as steps to complete, not vague requirements.
Our Approach
We start by listening to gain an understanding of the business objectives. Next, we ask questions and look at the documentation to understand how data fits into those objectives. We ask about future plans and current pain points and ask your stakeholders their ideas and concerns.
We summarize the privacy context regarding risk and regulatory compliance and share our observations about the privacy-related issues impacting the business.
We summarize the privacy context regarding risk and regulatory compliance and share our observations about the privacy-related issues impacting the business.
The Deliverable
The Privacy Roadmap™ is a report containing an Executive Summary, Observations, and Action Items table. The format is up to you – some clients like a Word or Docs format, others prefer PowerPoint or Slides.
Why develop The Privacy Roadmap™ with us?
Clients often come to us for a Roadmap when they need a plan for what to do next in privacy. Sometimes they have a new privacy officer or their privacy officer just left. Or, they have a renewed focus on privacy, possibly due to a new law.
“After taking two privacy courses with The Privacy Pro, I recommended to our leadership that we engage them to help us with a The Privacy Roadmap. They are very knowledgeable about privacy and provide practical advice that really takes into consideration our values and objectives.”